
I am a 36 year old debtor living in Northern England with about £20,000 pounds worth of debt and no clear way of paying it off. I could be your neighbour or your friend as no one discusses debt. Debtors used to be carted off to debtor's prisons now we mainly exist in metaphorical prisons.

Follow me as I try and keep my head above water with my finances.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009


I need help. I decided to spend a fortune on clay products. I have a crazy idea that I will make jewellery and it will be a roaring success. Hence, I bought some shaping tools, varnish and clay. I have my eye on two book titles for sale about making stuff.

I ran out of petrol today and fed the tank again. I have hardly any cash for food next week. A trip out with the boyfriend is out of the question! Panic.

Made a decision that for thirty quid a year I would join the WI and learn some crafts and listen to lectures. Where this cash is coming from i dont know.

Am selling my mini cooker to the boyfriend.

eBay is looking slightly more optimistic. If I'm lucky I'll make three pounds on items for sale!