
I am a 36 year old debtor living in Northern England with about £20,000 pounds worth of debt and no clear way of paying it off. I could be your neighbour or your friend as no one discusses debt. Debtors used to be carted off to debtor's prisons now we mainly exist in metaphorical prisons.

Follow me as I try and keep my head above water with my finances.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Ebay listing begins in earnest.

I got around to photographing all my items for sale yesterday. The lighting wasn't brilliant but I snapped everything I needed. I decided not to list the clothes for sale yet, in case I had to parcel loads of things up on one day when they sold.

I then went through the process of listing nearly thirty items for sale, which took a considerable amount of time. The how to do it was easy enough and I felt a glow of satisfaction seeing my items listed next to my photography.

Today I had to put petrol in the car so that I could get to my parent's place and pick up a parcel from town. I also had to withdraw £5.75, my life savings, from the bank. This took a considerable amount of time due to bank changes. I managed to get those delightful little plastic bags for my change.

I'm slightly worried. I have £7.75 in cash, I will need to spend £2.00 on dues tomorrow, the electricity is down to pennies before i have to use emergency credit and I have a 16 mile round trip in the car, my cupboard is bare and I have a visitor on Wednesday night. How will I manage? Clearing debt is the last thing on my mind as I worry about the next few days.

My entertainment is covered. I am playing a computer game at the minute, which whiles away hours I could be mooching round for things to buy.

With eagerness I checked my Ebay account this afternoon. Not one bid on my items, nor was there anyone watching my items. My plans for world domination, through Ebay have been dashed.