
I am a 36 year old debtor living in Northern England with about £20,000 pounds worth of debt and no clear way of paying it off. I could be your neighbour or your friend as no one discusses debt. Debtors used to be carted off to debtor's prisons now we mainly exist in metaphorical prisons.

Follow me as I try and keep my head above water with my finances.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Library books

I have saved money yesterday by ordering three brand new books fresh from the library. This will cost me a maximum of £3.20 and could actually be free! It just takes a little patience waiting for the titles to arrive but I think is well worth it. These books I wanted to read but didn't take the risk to buy.

My free dvds were good, i watched The Bothersome Man last night. Apparently there is a name for using all the free trials that online video companies use. It is called dvd tarting. I'm a tart- it's official.

I collected two pounds in pennies from my savings tin and it has reduced my debt very very slightly, still it's all going in the right direction.

Tomorrow i will take photos for Ebay in order to sell lots of my unwanted stuff.

Yesterday's summary

0.00 Spent
5.00 Made
2.00 In Pennies.
948 Outstanding from 1st Major goal.