
I am a 36 year old debtor living in Northern England with about £20,000 pounds worth of debt and no clear way of paying it off. I could be your neighbour or your friend as no one discusses debt. Debtors used to be carted off to debtor's prisons now we mainly exist in metaphorical prisons.

Follow me as I try and keep my head above water with my finances.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Rent Money

My bank balance looks really healthy. This is because I have the exact amount of rent sitting in there waiting to be collected. The reality is I don't have money or electricity until Friday. I am into emergency credit again.

Still awaiting my cheque for the cds I sold. I also need the pennies from my eBay sales to finish soon. I have a bid on one of my items. Some smartarse bid an extra 5p onto of the 99p bid. Don't they realise they are going to be supporting my lighting fund? It's ingenious though I have to say. The life of the entrepreneur is a hard one. Cash flow issues don't you just hate it?

My free pc is available for collection. I will pick it up this afternoon from my uncles. I have to love consummerism when it's not me that's spending but benefitting from this wonderful technology! Soon I will be conquering the world. Ah bliss!