
I am a 36 year old debtor living in Northern England with about £20,000 pounds worth of debt and no clear way of paying it off. I could be your neighbour or your friend as no one discusses debt. Debtors used to be carted off to debtor's prisons now we mainly exist in metaphorical prisons.

Follow me as I try and keep my head above water with my finances.

Saturday, 5 December 2009


It's been a while since I last blogged. So here's the latest.

I have been seeking employment on a part time basis since October. I am finding this really difficult as I was dismissed from work on the grounds of ill health last year. Whilst my health improves weekly my chances of a suitable post do not. I have an application in the post regardless. We'll see what the post brings.

The ruling by the FDSA about non returns of excessive bank charges by the bank was announced. This was really disappointing as I had hoped to clear bank debts. I totally understand people's desire not to help out "negligent" folk, but it does not make our crippling burden any lighter. Meanwhile bonus payouts are being worked out across the city, at the expense of the taxpayer.

My sales on Ebay and other websites proved practically fruitless. It seems that people do not want what I don't want! The small profit I made went towards the bills.

My landlords want £60.00 to ensure that the monthly periodic tenancy continues. Where I am meant to find the money from I haven't a clue. I am not tempted by the ads to sell unwanted gold, as quite often their price per gram weight is incredibly low compared to those rates offered by traditional jewellers. Plus I don't have any unwanted gold.

I have had a water meter fitted as there is only myself at my pad using the stuff. I am hoping this will trim my expenses rather than reduce my debt.

Electricity on my meter remains expensive, as does operating the over night storage heaters. The coldness of my place, and its broken heaters means that I am also having to run a plug in electric heater. I'm warm but I feel each and every penny.

Christmas is approaching and I have to find a way of posting my cards to friends abroad, a birthday present to pay for and small presents for Christmas.

I have shopped in discount stores and have received some bargains- £3.00 dvds and £10.00 silk shawls. But on a limited budget it means i have to still think really carefully about where my cash actually goes. I am living of IOUs at the minute and the notes really add up.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009


So it's not happening. No debt reduction other than the small amount I have to pay my debtors each fortnight.

I really needed the money i'd made from cd sales (£50.00) so it's in my current account awaiting clearance. I've not been able to reduce debt and it's aggrivating.Infact more debt has found me as my house survey for sale has come through. I think the only thing you can do is keep your head down and stick to budget.

I'm shaving the cost of my electricity and water where I can and i've hardly spent anything except on food these past few weeks. At least i wore my free shoes the other day.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

More Arty things for sale.

My computer arrived. I am really impressed with it. It just needed a really good disk clean, defrag and deleting of a million unnnecessary programmes and now it is working really well. Still no dongle so i'm not yet online at home. Give it a couple of weeks and i will be sitting in my faux leather executive chair typing missives to the world.

I haven't blogged for sometime. This wasn't and active decision but a sign of how distracted i've been making and selling my craft products. To be honest I haven't sold one piece of jewellery yet, but the day will be arriving soon I can tell.

Still awaiting my cheque from the cd sale, it hasn't been processed yet, which is aggrevating.

I managed to sell some clothes on eBAy. These seemed to shift well, as long as the product was of a fine name, other wise it just sits and lingers unnecessary, whilst it waits to be shipped to a charity shop maybe near you!

My free dvd tarting trial of dvd store comes to a sad end this week and i still haven't managed to rent the comedy series I really wanted to see. But I did get two instore rentals included free but the dirth of good dvds in the new titles section is disappointing.

My winning shoe draw has finally resulted in a letter from the company. I have to choose my free shoes and post the details back to them. Free things- don't you love them!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Rent Money

My bank balance looks really healthy. This is because I have the exact amount of rent sitting in there waiting to be collected. The reality is I don't have money or electricity until Friday. I am into emergency credit again.

Still awaiting my cheque for the cds I sold. I also need the pennies from my eBay sales to finish soon. I have a bid on one of my items. Some smartarse bid an extra 5p onto of the 99p bid. Don't they realise they are going to be supporting my lighting fund? It's ingenious though I have to say. The life of the entrepreneur is a hard one. Cash flow issues don't you just hate it?

My free pc is available for collection. I will pick it up this afternoon from my uncles. I have to love consummerism when it's not me that's spending but benefitting from this wonderful technology! Soon I will be conquering the world. Ah bliss!

Sunday, 16 August 2009


I'm down to pennies again. I owe the boyfriend £15 quid and a meal. I can't decide whether to pay the meter or him.

I have put some more things up for sale on eBay. I have finally realised what I can sell at a profit, knowing a few good cheap shops as I do. I just need some capital for this venture. Awaiting my payment for my CDs with eagerness.

Skipped this morning's meeting, saving an extra £1 for the reduction of the overdraft. It's slow going but it may be worth it.

Today will be a no spend day and i'm delighted about this. It feels good to be free of the trappings of commerce. My mum is out spending again and I'm horrified at what unnecessary purchases she buys. Still someone else's spending is really none of my business.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

More Sales, more spending.

I managed to make an additional £3.00 from the sale of my items. However, my dad hot footed it to the post office and paid £2.00 more for first class postage rather than parcelpost, making three items worth only 99p! I must make sure I do the postage next time.

I decided to cut into my rent money and buy chocolate last night and other provisions. I know it's foolhardy but I needed the dosh. All will be rectified by Tuesday If all goes to plan. Saved.


Spent £20.00
Made £3.00
Saved £1.00
944 left on overdraft until re-adjustments kick in.

Friday, 14 August 2009

eBay bids come (flooding) in.

I did it. I have managed to sell 4 books. Only one person has actually paid for their book yet, making me a total eBay profit of £1.70! It's a wonderful thing.

The books that didn't sell I scleped over to . All books are sold for £3.75, and the seller gets £3.00 but no p and p. Sadly there is a lot of competition, with other people offering the same books, so it looks like purchasing will be slow. I will sell the collection for 1 month and see what happens. I couldn't sell oversized books there as p and p would mean my profits seriously shrink.

My check from the cds sold hasn't arrived yet so I'm not doing well on the debt reduction pace.

In addition I made it out with my boyfriend and managed to spend £30.00 on a day out in Shropshire.

Spent £30.00 in Shropshire
Made £1.70 from eBay sales.
Saved £0.00.
£944.00 total until credit is received.